Welcome to the UWA MyAccount service.

Please choose between one of the options below:

  • Create/Reset your password

    If you need to create or reset your password, please use this option.

  • Reset your Security Questions

    If you know your password but don't know one or more of your security questions, please use this option.

  • Reset your Pharos print system PIN

    In order to print in the computer labs, you must have a 4-digit PIN. If you do not know your PIN, or if you wish to change it, please use this option. You will need to know your UWA username/password to use this option.

  • Update UWA Alerts

    UWA Alerts has moved to TigerHub. Search for the "UWA Alerts" card or access it from the "Community" page.

  • TigerNet Wi-Fi Password

    TigerNet Wi-Fi Password has moved to TigerHub. Search for the "TigerNet Wi-Fi Password" card or access it from the "My Account" page.